Welcome to our new adventure Nirvana Seafari!

Thanks for stopping by, hope you find something that takes your interest. Nirvana Seafari is the name of our 38 foot catamaran that all five of us live on. She is older and a renovater and there always seems work to be done, but she takes us to fantastic places and brings joy to all.

Her name "Nirvana" as we aim to manifest bliss and beautiful vistas then "Seafari" is our sea journey as we travel on her .

We are new to this adventure and have only just moved aboard her late 09 and started homeschool for kids 2010. Hope you enjoy what we get up to and feel inspired to make a change if thats your dream.

Ours was to follow our dream and so it goes...............

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve on Linderman Island

We left Hamilton Island mid morning after exploring the islands newest landmark their gorgeous new yacht club and taking many pictures within its stunning views and architecture. However we had to leave as we were due at Linderman Island.
After some good winds finally we ended up moving along comfortably 5 -8 knotts but things always seem to take longer than planned (which is what I have read and been told many times) but whens it's happening you, you just think I want to be organised, it's new years eve, it's 5pm, we haven't and are having trouble anchoring, we haven't got dressed yet for dinner, the kids are getting hungry, we haven't got to shore yet and we have to check in with the resort..........
We finally got to dinner about 8ish very hungry and very happy to finally be there.
Happy New Year!!!!

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