Welcome to our new adventure Nirvana Seafari!

Thanks for stopping by, hope you find something that takes your interest. Nirvana Seafari is the name of our 38 foot catamaran that all five of us live on. She is older and a renovater and there always seems work to be done, but she takes us to fantastic places and brings joy to all.

Her name "Nirvana" as we aim to manifest bliss and beautiful vistas then "Seafari" is our sea journey as we travel on her .

We are new to this adventure and have only just moved aboard her late 09 and started homeschool for kids 2010. Hope you enjoy what we get up to and feel inspired to make a change if thats your dream.

Ours was to follow our dream and so it goes...............

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hamilton Island

We headed off motoring towards Hamilton Island and managed to get the head sail up for some help from the 10 – 15 knot wind. After radioing ahead to find out and being the busiest time of the year there, we were told they had no births left at all and so could not stay our planned couple of nights there including New Years eve. All very disappointed we decided on plan B, being to head to Linderman Island for a couple of days instead. That was all fine and we were booked into there instead only one problem it looked as if we would need to refuel somewhere. And no where else did this except Hamilton so we were set for there for fuel.
Once under way we all enjoyed a turn at the helm driving and the girls enjoyed it very much. There were squeals from the girls of turtle spotting and the worry we might hit one in the boat if it came up to close but all seemed to go well. Except for the right hand motor that kept stopping and konking out. This was very worrisome especially for Mark as we had just had both motors serviced looked at and repaired.
As we approached Hamilton Island it was mid morning and very hot and humid. With stunning views and a busy holiday atmosphere Hamilton Island was buzzing with activity. We had travelled with one motor most of the way and Mark was concerned with getting someone to look at it as well as moving our large cat amongst these very expensive boats with only limited steering so he had called ahead for help as we came into the marina fuel stand. Mark got hold of a boat mechanic which is a feet being the Christmas New Year holiday break but he could see it the next morning.
Us girls being so hot with the heat decided we were going to jump ship and get in a quick swim in the resort pool (keeping in mind you cannot swim in the ocean at this time of year for fear of stingers) so off we jumped with excitement.
Mark called us girls some time later with the news we don’t have to come back to the boat and leave as they have given us a birth after since we were having work done on our boat. So we ended up staying two nights and enjoying all the beautiful Island had to offer.

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